ventilation project


Ventilation in Community Venues


In late 2021, it became clear that Covid-19 was airborne and spread by aerosols in exhaled air from people carrying the virus, rather than by heavier droplets or by touching contaminated surfaces. Steve Pagden, an SCCT volunteer with a background in engineering, undertook a project with Heeley Trust to assess the safety of community venues. CO2 monitors were used as a proxy for risk of spread of Covid-19 along with our knowledge locally of the incidence of infection. The effectiveness of improved ventilation and the use of air filtration units was assessed. 

This work is ongoing and is being evaluated. It has already been beneficial in encouraging anxious vulnerable people to rejoin their pre-pandemic activities and groups.

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Steve Pagden presented the findings from his project so far at our online conference in December 2023. A recording of his presentation is here: