DIY Contact Tracing

Do you have suspected COVID-19?

Get a head start on contact tracing.

Rapid contact tracing and early isolation is the best way to stop the spread of the virus.

What is 'Do It Yourself Contact Tracing'?

DIY contact tracing is getting into contact with anyone you have seen 48 hours prior to, and since, the onset of your symptoms. It is important to alert them as soon as possible and tell them that they may have been exposed to the virus to prevent further spread.

When should I DIY contact trace?

You should begin tracing your contacts if you are experiencing any new symptoms related to COVID-19.

These include:

    • A high temperature
    • A new, continuous cough
    • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

What counts as close contact?

  • Anyone you may have had face-to-face contact with, less than a metre away, for any length of time (even if a face-covering or face mask was worn).
  • Anyone that has been within 2 metres of you for 15 minutes or more, this includes travel in the same small vehicle.
  • Anyone that has spent lots of time in your home.

I’ve identified my close contacts, what do I tell them?

Let them know that you are experiencing symptoms that are associated with COVID-19 and it is possible that you are infected. Advise that they get a test and isolate  until they receive their test result, and then as follows if the test result is positive:

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 3 days after your positive test if you are under 18 years
  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 5 days after your positive test if you are 18 or over

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